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Honoring Addiction Nurses During The Pandemic

02-Jun-2020 2:20 PM | Janice Moore (Administrator)


ANCB honors all nurses and staff caring for those with substance use disorders during the Coronavirus pandemic. This combined pandemic with epidemic is threatening the wellbeing of patients with substance use disorder who are often vulnerable due to social determinants and underlining medical comorbidities. Mandates of isolation and social distancing are counter to the way we treat and support substance use; further placing both stable and unstable patients in harm’s way. Current crisis has increased risk of overdose, overdosing alone, fear of accessing emergency and medical care, limited addiction treatment access, and challenges in communicating treatment availability and resources.

The role of addiction nurses has never been more important to the wellbeing of patients with substance use disorders. It is especially fitting that 2020 has been declared the “Year of the Nurse” and Florence Nightingales 200th Birthday! We thank you for all you continue to do in developing creative solutions to engage, support, and treat patients during this unprecedented time!This is truly lifesaving!

ANCB is committed to supporting the work of addiction nurses and facilitating certification for those seeking to make this commitment. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by disruption in testing services. Along with CNET we support our certified nurses and those preparing to obtain certification with necessary extensions.

ANCB is pleased to announce that certification testing with C-NET has resumed at PSI testing sites but with some restrictions according to federal and state guidelines regarding social distancing. Once you have been registered to test by C-NET, PSI will send you a link to active testing locations in your area. If there are delays in taking the examination or in applying for recertification, you will be given an extension. For an update on testing or recertification, please see:

We thank you for your patience during this time!
Thank you for your care commitment to evidence-based practice in the care of patients with substance use disorders!
We look forward to assisting you through the certification process, and celebration of your success!


Addictions Nursing Certification Board

Contact Us

Addiction Nursing Certification Board (ANCB)
Center for Nursing Education and Testing (C-NET), Inc.
35 Journal Square, Suite 901
Jersey City, NJ 07306
P: 800-463-0786
F: 201-217-9785

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